Janize...when u finis ur exam???so mis u...haiz~~y d GF like tis geh??haiz~~so cham lo tat BF...haiz~~~hahaa....u wait my nex post la~~hahaa....i tot u write ur bf tim..haha...
haha.yesterday finis my moral paper at 5pm..
tis is my moral note-36nilai v definisi... i think toilet paper better thn tis paper..haha.. Coz tis note ad accompany me 2 years..
After finis my moral paper..
Nw "it" can retire jo..
So tq~~~coz i always depend "it" when i exam...
I oni study "it"..haha...
How come so many ppl said d moral paper not so hard,even student from 5A5,5A3....
Haiz~~for me...abit harder...kaka
After 2 week is Account paper...thn Ekonomi...lastly is Perdagangan...
Haiz~~Lazy lazy++
Haha...2day i waitin ur msg..btw u aso waitin my msg....hahha....I tot u not free thn dunwan disturb u lo~~kaka...luck Digi save u,if not u kenot concentrate to exam..u muz tq Digi's msg..
Haha..i aso received 3 msg form Digi...haha..How come ur college dunhav public phone 1??so weird...i think mayb ur college noe nwaday all student aso got hp so no nid prepapred public phone to u..haha
I won't tell u wt i dream..haha...u man man guess la~~kaka
ermm...hope tonite can continue d dream....i like it...
Naaa..send u msg...but arrive late coz afternoon rainin...kaka
Wish u gud luck,all d best^^
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