My mom call my step brother n me bought 7 special chicken burger
Thn u guess my mom giv us $$ to buy burger???
she gav us RM80.00...Maukakaka..i was so suprise coz i 1st time c ppl brin so muc money to buy burger..abit funny..kaka..
Actualy each special chicken oni RM2.90...(duno y my mom giv so muc money to us,swt ==")
RM80.00=27 burger
8 burger oni nid RM20.30
Haha..thn v went to 7-11 bought Cocacola~~~RM3.90....thn v go bac d burger stall n wait d burger..V wait jo more thn 30min++......quite long...
my step-brother said he 1st time brought so muc money go out..haha...(for him la..coz he so poor 1,kaka)he scare ppl rod him...He beside me n c-ing me writin my blog....he keep complain...said:$#%#@ , dun so 38 la..dun so crazy la..dun hav ppl view ur blog 1..n blablablak~~~
Hehe...Didi~~~i got alot fans 1..hahaha....
Coz he so lonely~~kaka.....dunhav gf~~Muakaka....he keep sayin &%$#@#$..hahaha
so Cham 1 my step-brother...oya..forgot to intro him tim...
Name:Chua Eugene
Age:16 years old
Hobby:like to "kao lui" meas he scare lonely...haha...but he always change gf 1~~
More details:he ad got around 22 gf since he 14 years old....(true 1)
P/s:if u interest v my step-brother,u can post/leave a comments to me..i will reply u asap..hehe
15 years ago
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